2023 Ontario Law Lets Insurance Companies Keep $44,367.24 from Your Car Accident Settlement

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit in order to recover compensation for the damages you incurred as part of the accident. Often, these lawsuits are essential to ensuring that your compensation adequately covers the massive financial burdens associated with medical bills, property damage and lost wages… read more

Ontario Motorcycle Helmet Laws

When riding a motorcycle in Ontario, the law is clear: you must wear a helmet. Unlike in the United States, where helmet laws vary from state to state, in Canada you must wear a helmet in every province. The reason for this is that severe head injuries and deaths from motorcycle accidents are dramatically reduced when the… read more

Can My Employer Make Me Pay for a Car Accident?

If you’ve caused a car accident in Hamilton while on the job, you may be wondering who is responsible for any damages or injuries that you, other drivers or pedestrians sustained. Learn about your rights in this situation, as well as the circumstances that could put you at fault.  Vicarious Liability & Your Employer’s Responsibilities… read more

Who is Liable for Damages if You’re Involved in a Car Accident while Driving for Work?

In most instances, the driver who is at fault for a car accident is liable for any damages caused by the collision. However, determining liability often becomes more complicated when the car accident is caused by someone who is driving for work or operating a company vehicle. In these situations, the following questions may arise: It’s important… read more